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Placement Test Beginner

Welcome to our beginner Chinese test.

This is a short test to see roughly what level you are.

Enter your name and email to begin. You will receive your results on screen straight after the test, with a full breakdown sent to your email after the test.

First Name
你是哪国人? (nǐ shì nǎ guó rén)

Choose the correct answer to the question:

你今年多大?(nǐ jīnnián duō dà)

现在几点? (xiàn zaì jǐ diǎn) ——(11:55)

你是怎么来学校的?(nǐ shì zěn me lái xuéxiào de)

你家____学校远吗?(nǐ jiā___xué xiào yuǎn ma)

Please choose the correct particle

今天是____星期____? (jīntiān shì____xīngqī____)


(Jasmine de tóufa____Ariel de____yì diǎnr)

(Jasmine's hair is longer than Ariel's)

我没有____上海。 (wǒ méi yǒu____Shàng hǎi)

我去学校。(wǒ qù xuéxiào)

Choose the correct English translation

哪个杯子是你的?(nǎ gè bēizi shì nǐ de)

Please choose the sentence with the most accurate grammar:

Question:B 今天工作忙不忙? (jīntiān gōngzuò máng bù máng)

A: 你今天工作怎么样?忙不忙?   (nǐ jīntiān gōngzuò zěnme yàng? máng bù máng)
B: 忙死了。(máng sǐ le)

Question: 他们最可能在哪儿?(tā men zuì ké néng zaì nǎr)

A: 您好,请问您去哪儿?(  nínhǎo,qǐng wèn nín qù nǎr)
B: 我去机场,三十分钟能到吗?(wǒ qù jīchǎng, sān shí fēnzhōng néng dào ma)

Question: 哪天是他的生日? (nǎ tiān shì tā de shēngrì)

A:明天是你的生日吗?(míngtiān shì nǐ de shēngrì ma)
B:不是,我的生日是七月十五号。(bú shì, wǒ de shēngrì shì qī yuè shí wǔ hào)

Question:  去图书馆怎么走?(qù túshūguǎn zěnme zǒu)

A: 请问去图书馆怎么走?(qǐng wèn qù túshūguǎn zěnme zǒu)
B:先一直走,在第一个路口左拐,再走10分钟就到了。(xiān yì zhí zǒu, zài dì yī gè lù kǒu zuǒ guǎi, zài zǒu shí fēnzhōng jiù dào le)
A:啊?这么远啊,真不想去了(á ? zhème yuǎn a ,zhēn bù xiāng qù le)

(tā men wǎn shang zài nǎr chī fàn)

A:晚上我们去饭馆儿吃饭,怎么样?(wǎn shang wǒ men qù fàn guǎnr chī fàn, zěnme yàng)
B:我不想去外面吃。我想在家吃。(wǒ bù xiǎng qù wài mian chī。wǒ xiǎng zài jiā chī)
A:那你准备做什么好吃的?(nà nǐ zhǔn bèi zuò shénme hǎo chī de)
B:你想吃什么,我就做什么。(nǐ xiǎng chī shénme,wǒ jiù zuò shénme)
A:好的。(hǎo de)

中国人喜欢喝茶。(zhōngguó rén xǐhuān hē____)

Choose the right Pinyin for the Characters.

我的____是老师,她很忙。(wǒ de____shì lǎoshī, tā hěn máng)

Fill the blank with the right characters:

我有三个女____学。(wǒ yǒu sān gè nǚ____xué)

Choose the right character

我的房____不大。(wǒ de fáng____bú dà)

Choose the right character

我的____饭是包子。(wǒ de____fàn shì bāozi)

Choose the right character

我想____水。(wǒ xiǎng____shuǐ)

Choose the right character

我要____一本书。(wǒ yào ____ yì běn shū) (buy)

Choose the right character

她的爱好是学习汉语。(tā de ài ____ shì xuéxí hànyǔ)

Choose the right pinyin for the characters

你好, 你叫什么名字? (nǐ hǎo,nǐ jiào shén me míngzi)

Choose the correct answer to the question:

他每天晚上12:00 睡觉。(tā měi tiān wǎn shang shí èr diǎn shuì___)

Choose the right pinyin for the characters

我的房间有空调。(wǒ de fángjiān yǒu ____ tiáo)

Choose the right pinyin for the characters

她教外国人学汉语。(tā____wài guō rén xué hànyǔ)

Choose the right pinyin for the characters

爸爸特别喜欢听音乐。(bàba tè bié xǐ huān tīng yīn___)

Choose the right pinyin for the characters