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Placement Test Advanced

Welcome to our advanced Chinese test.

This is a short test to see roughly what level you are.

Enter your name and email to begin. You will receive your results on screen straight after the test, with a full breakdown sent to your email after the test.

First Name

Please choose the correct words according to these sentences:


Please choose the correct words according to these sentences:


Please choose the correct words according to these sentences:


Please choose the correct words according to these sentences:


Please choose the correct words according to these sentences:


Please choose the correct words according to these sentences:


Please choose the correct words according to these sentences:


Please choose the correct words according to these sentences:


Please choose the correct words according to these sentences:

Please choose the incorrect sentence:

A. 权力没有制约,必然会产生腐败。
B. 不是每一次努力都会有收获,但是每一次收获都需要努力。
C. 两个人在一起,遇到事至少商量商量一下,总比一个人好。
D. 他早上收到一封信,看过以后就哭了起来。

Please choose the incorrect sentence:

A. 天凉了,你要穿多点儿衣服。
B. 老师的鼓励,使他信心大增。
C. 昨天睡得很晚,所以第二天9点多我才醒来。
D. 为防止在野外活动中迷路,你必须掌握定位和测向方法。

Please choose the incorrect sentence:

A. 这项工程至少需要10年才能完工。
B. 在年降雨量少于500毫升的地区不能种树,但只能种草。
C. 经验多固然是好事,但如果一个人只靠经验工作,也是不行的。
D. 世界各国的人口寿命数据表明,女性的平均寿命要比男性长7年。

气, 得, 这件事, 爸爸, 之后, 知道, 不得了

Please put the words into the correct order:

把, 秘书, 整理, 好, 的, 市场, 调查, 数据, 经理, 的, 办公桌, 上, 放, 在, 了

Please put the words into the correct order:

B 主要是什么意思?

Please choose the right answer according to the text:
A: 明天上午9点我准时到。
B: 我觉得还是提前几分钟吧。


Please choose the right answer according to the text:
A: 外面这么冷,你要去哪儿啊?
B: 我习惯吃完饭以后出去走一走。

B 有什么愿望?

Please choose the right answer according to the text:
A: 这些照片是你拍的吗?真漂亮,都可以做明信片了!
B: 哪里,我这也就是业余水平。我的愿望是能把中国的名胜古迹都拍下来。
A: 你这么喜欢旅游,这个愿望很容易实现的。
B: 对,只是需要些时间。

Please choose the correct sentence based on the text:


Please choose the correct sentence based on the text:


Please choose the correct sentence based on the text:


Please choose the correct sentence based on the text:
