Quick Guide || How to Use Flexi Classes
The Revolutionary New Way to Study Chinese Online || LTL Flexi Classes
You have your Flexi Classes account, are signed up and ready to go – but what to do now?
You can book your first class in less than five minutes.
Here’s how…
Step 1 || Name & Settings
Step 2 || Book a Class, Choose your Study Plan
BONUS || Tips & Tricks
Step 1 || Click on your Name, Go to Settings
Here you should just do two things.
1. Check that your time zone is correct.
2. Make sure you have the right HSK level set. For complete beginners choose “Intro”. If you are unsure which level you are, take a free HSK test here.

Step 2 || Go to “Book a Class”
There are three basic choices:
- Book Classes individually
- Follow a course schedule
- Combine the two
Book a Class
Here you can book each class individually.
This is perfect for students who have a busy and changing schedule.
For a quick and easy start, book several classes at times that are convenient for you and you that is enough.
If you want to know more about the content of each class, press “Class Details”.
You can find a list of all topics taught under “My Level”. You do not have to study the topics in order, but you can.
Once you took some classes you can use the “All Topics” filter in the “More” filter section to be shown only classes with the next topics.
At the beginning don’t be afraid to experiment a bit. Most students start by just booking classes that are time wise convenient for them.

Book a Course
Press “Book a Course” and look for a course that suits your times.
The topics will be taught in order and you can either just book the next few lessons of the course or the whole course straight away.
If you miss a class you can easily find another class for the same topic via “Book a Class”.

And that’s it.
Five minutes before your class starts you will see the Zoom link to enter under “My Classes”. Welcome to Flexi Classes.
Tips & Tricks
- Fill out your profile. The more accurate information you have in there the better the teacher can prepare the class for you.
- Go through the topics in “My Level”. If there are some that seem too easy choose to “Skip” them and you will not be shown lessons teaching that topic anymore.
- In Chinese it is often a good idea to study the same topic twice to make sure you really remember the content. Choose “Include Studied Topics” under “More” filters to be also shown lessons that teach topics you previously studied.
- Be ready to take notes during the class. Many students download and print the teaching materials in advance to take notes on the printout. Most choose to have four pdfs printed on one page to save paper.

- Download the Zoom app and be in a quiet room with a good internet connection when you start your class. While you are in no way required to do so, we recommend that you switch on your camera during class. Teachers can teach better when they see their student’s mouth movements and facial expressions.
- Do the homework exercises, review your past notes and check out the Additional Resources in the Topic Details to learn more about each topic. If you have the feeling you don’t really remember what was taught in a topic, just re-take the class. Many students study a topic not just one but two, three of even more often.
- If you do not want to study Chinese characters, choose “I study only spoken Chinese (no characters)” in Settings and you will not study any Chinese character classes – Pinyin only.
- If you have any problems, need some studying advice or just want to talk to another fellow Chinese learner, send us an email on [email protected] at any time. You will have a reply within a few hours – often even faster.

That’s it – welcome to the revolution! We hope you enjoy using the Flexi Classes as much as we did making them.
This is a culmination of months of hard work and graft during difficult times, and we are so happy with the end result!
Feedback has been great so far and we invite you to contact us, be open and be honest. What did we do well, what could we do better?
Remember we are language enthusiasts, not developers so we are always open to improving.
To finish though, we want to leave you with one of our favourite success stories.
Want more from LTL?
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thanks for explaining, looks good
Glad it helped Jo